Next Workshop - October 11th - Reno

Enjoy a focused day at The Flavor Studio. (Fun that the dance studio will meet the flavor studio, don't you think?) Attendees will get the following:

8 Step System to Build Curriculum

We will walk through a proven 8-step process creating comprehensive curriculum and show you how to break it into levels.

Video Tutorials

Attendees will have access to videos to reenforce ideas. Plus bonus videos on how to engage students using your lesson plans, ways to teach different steps, and teaching tools for student success.

Sample Syllabus

You will receive syllabi for ballet, jazz, tap, lyrical, jazz, and hip hop. Once you know our process for creating them, you will easily be able to edit them for your teaching scenario.

Since 1993

You want to feel confident. You want to have a plan for your classes. You want the ability to adjust for your students.

Our workshop is designed to leverage your unique dance experience and empower you to  create an evergreen source of curriculum for all your classes.

Why not just take the lesson plans? Learning someone else specific lesson plans can work in some circumstances, but often it takes time to learn someone else lesson plans. You might be unsure if your are doing the lesson correctly. And the ultimate issue is it may not let you react to the students who are in front of you. You will develop curriculum for your classes that your students and parents can trust, that you are being accountable to, AND that allow you to be the professional educator you are.

Lights On Dance is an established teacher training program with an established an 8-Step process benefitting the studio owner, dance teacher and student. We want to you to be in control of your classes and save time lesson planning by having all your work done upfront.  Oh, and it's fun.

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One Day Could Save You

Don't spend another year feeling frazzled or unsure about your classes. Commit to a better year for you and your students.

Meet Your Facilitator

Barbara has taught dance for over 20 years in a variety of settings. She has experience creating lesson plans for many styles in many circumstances. Her passion in dance is being a teacher's teacher. She owns a dance studio in the Seattle area with 16 amazing teachers. She can't wait to geek out with you about dance curriculum.

Barbara Walshe

AKA: Bambi Banner

Barbara loves all things dance, tiny, aubergine and paper crafts. She thinks of herself as Bambi Banner because she is mostly sweet, but thinks underneath there might be a tinge of angry. Although she hasn't turn large and green yet:)

Want to Know the 3 Often Overlooked Elements to Include in Your Dance Lessons?

Here are what some studio owners and dance instructors are saying.
Lauren Kushins

Lauren Kushins

Heart and Soul, Owner

"Barbara is an excellent Dance Teacher and Studio Trainer. She flew to California to train our dance staff and captured all our hearts. We look forward to working with her again."

Raney Welch

Raney Welch

Dance Instructor

"Barbara showed me how to be a teacher. Not necessarily in content (although this is true) but actually HOW to teach."

Sammie Moore

Sammie Moore

Dance Teaching Assistant

"Barbara is an incredible leader and teacher. I learned a ton of valuable teaching skills that can be applied to any age. Thank you, Barbara!"

Get in Touch

Would you like Barbara to come to your studio and facilitate your entire staff through the process? She can get your team on the same page and excited to teach their lesson plans. Cost is $4000 for two full training days with as many staff members as you'd like and you will receive your syllabi formatted with your logo and branding all set. Fill out the form below to schedule - she only does 10 studios per year. Get on the books now.

Contact Us